Report Type
You can access all our COT Report types through the indicator (Classic (Legacy), Disaggregated, Traders in Financial Futures (TIFF) and Commodity Index Traders (CIT).
Date Type
COT data is released on Friday’s but show the traders positions on the Tuesday before. Choosing the “ReportDate” option will show new COT data on the date it is really referring to (ie. Tuesdays). The other option lets your assign the COT data to the day it was released (“IssueDate”). This option is more suitable for back testing. (Issue and reports dates can change due to holidays)
Data Type
You can access all our data types through the indicator (Futures Only, Futures and Options, Options Only)
You can access all our datasets too, including Raw data from CFTC.
Analysis Modes
Analysis mode is the setting where you can access not only positional data, but COTBase.com’s other special features. You can import COT Data, as well as COT Changes, COT Extremes, COT Indexes, COT Move Indexes and Volume and Open Interest Scores.
Trader Categories
You can choose if you want all the trader categories of the given report type to be shown in the indicator panel or just one. This helps in analyzing for examplethe Small Speculators, whose positions cannot be seen properly on the samescale as the Commercials and Large Speculators.
COT Changes
You can customize the lookback settings for all COT Change calculations.
COT Index
You can customize the lookback settings for all COT Index calculations.
Volume / OI Scores
You can customize the lookback settings for all Volume and Open Interest scoring calculations.